Indiana Wild Goose Drucken Kommentare


Bohnensorte: Stangenbohne (Phaseolus vulgaris)
Farbanzahl: einfarbig
Grundfarbe: beige-braun
weitere Farbe:
Korngröße (getrocknet im Durchschnitt):

Andere Namen: keine bisher bekannt

Herkunft: USA

Diese Sorte wurde am 01.02.2018 um 05:30 Uhr von saritabee hinzugefügt.

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From Victory Seeds:
"100 days — The vines run eight or more feet in height producing white flowers. The pods are eight inches in length containing five to eight seeds each. The seeds are a sandy-brown color with flattened ends and have an almost nutty flavor. Although primarily listed and referenced as a dry bean, it is quite good at the green shell bean stage.
This bean is being reintroduced by us as part of a special project in memory of bean variety conservationist, horticultural bibliophile, and an early benefactor of ours, the late Mark Futterman."

saritabee - 24.02.2018, 23:59
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